I am a Ph.D. student at the PLAST lab at the University of Athens under the supervision of Yannis Smaragdakis. My research is mainly focused on designing and implementing static analysis techniques for the decompilation and vulnerability detection of smart contracts running on the Ethereum platform. The vast majority of this work is built on top of the Gigahorse framework. Recent projects include Pythia, a static analysis tool for the detection of shape related bugs in Python programs using the TensorFlow framework.
The Incredible Shrinking Context… in a decompiler near you
Sifis Lagouvardos, Yannis Bollanos, Neville Grech, Yannis Smaragdakis
Program Analysis for High-Value Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Techniques and Insights
Yannis Smaragdakis, Neville Grech, Sifis Lagouvardos, Konstantinos Triantafyllou, Ilias Tsatiris, Yannis Bollanos, Tony Rocco Valentine
The Science of Blockchain Conference 2023 (SBC’23)
Elipmoc: Advanced Decompilation of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Neville Grech, Sifis Lagouvardos, Ilias Tsatiris, Yannis Smaragdakis
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages. OOPSLA 2022.
[DOI] [PDF] [Video]
Symbolic Value-Flow Static Analysis: Deep, Precise, Complete Modeling of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Yannis Smaragdakis, Neville Grech, Sifis Lagouvardos, Konstantinos Triantafyllou, Ilias Tsatiris
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages. OOPSLA 2021.
[DOI] [PDF] [Artifact] [Video]
Precise static modeling of Ethereum “memory”
Sifis Lagouvardos, Neville Grech, Ilias Tsatiris, Yannis Smaragdakis
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages. OOPSLA 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [Artifact] [Video]
Static Analysis of Shape in TensorFlow Programs
Sifis Lagouvardos, Julian Dolby, Neville Grech, Anastasios Antoniadis, Yannis Smaragdakis
34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. ECOOP 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [Artifact] [Video]
Ethainter: a smart contract security analyzer for composite vulnerabilities
Lexi Brent, Neville Grech, Sifis Lagouvardos, Bernhard Scholz, Yannis Smaragdakis
Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. PLDI 2020.
[DOI] [PDF] [Artifact] [Video]
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